How can I register on the Password Station?

Step 1: Click on the following link: 

Step 2: Enter your AUS ID in the text box and click on "I Agree".


Step 3: As a first time user, you will be asked to register on the Password Station. Click on Continue.


Step 4: Enter your password then click on "Continue".


Step 5: Choose 3 secret questions and answers, then click on "Continue".



Step 6: After you have successfully enrolled, this page will allow you to manage your account.


  • Enrollment: This option allows you to change your secret questions and answers.
  • Forgot Password: This option allows you to reset your password if you ever forget it. It will ask you all 3 of your secret questions and when you answer them correctly, you will be allowed to set a new password. Please note that if you enter any one of the secret answers wrongly multiple times, you will be unenrolled from the password station and you will need to register all over again. This is done to help keep intruders away from trying to guess your secret answers and compromising your account.
  • Unlock Account: Sometimes, you may try to log onto an AUS web service (other than Email) and by entering your password incorrectly 3 times, your account gets locked. It usually takes around 30 minutes before the account unlocks itself but this option will help you unlock your account right away.
  • Change Password: This option allows you to change your password when you need to, for example when your password is about to expire. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing your password please note that it should:

a) Be at least 6 characters long

b) Contain capital letters, small letters and numbers

c) For Faculty members, please be sure to use your Yubikey while setting the new password