Posted on: 8 January, 2018 - 10:50
Step 1 Go to the GSMMO Sync Tool (G Suite Migration for Microsoft Outlook) through: and install it.
Step 2 When the installation completes, you’ll be prompted to enter your AUS email address ([email protected]/[email protected])
Step 3 You will then briefly see this message, and will be routed to a webpage to login.
Step 4 Enter your AUS username as ([email protected]/[email protected]), make sure to write the username with and click Next
Step 5 Enter your password on the Next prompt and Click Sign in
Step 6 Select “ALLOW”, when the following screen appears.
Step 7 You can then go back to the SYNC tool and select “CREATE PROFILE”.
Step 8 Then, Click “Start Microsft Outlook”.
Step 9 This will Launch Outlook. You can select a name for the profile or accept the default, then Click “OK”.
Step 10 This will start the Sync. Keep an eye on the Progress bar, once the sync completes all three fields, “Google Contacts”, “Google Calendar” and “Google Mail” will say “Synced”.