On July 28, 2020, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra moved to a new cloud server. What do I need to do if I'm using the Collaborate Ultra Scheduler?

On July 28, 2020, AUS moved to a new Bb Collaborate cloud server. The new Bb Collaborate Ultra instance does not include the following items created on the old instance:

  1. Sessions
  2. Recordings
  3. Session Reports

You will be able to access the old Collaborate instance until December 31, 2020. Until then, you are advised to download any old recordings or session reports. 

Where to find the new Bb Collaborate Ultra Scheduler?

The new URL for the Bb Collaborate Ultra Scheduler is https://eu.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/scheduler/. You should have received your username and initial password form your Bb Collaborate administrator designated to your AUS department or academic unit. Please note that the new username could be different than your username with the Old Collaborate instance

What do you need to do?

After July 28, 2020

  1. You will need to re-create any open ended sessions. These are the sessions that you use frequently. Examples of these sessions are:
    • Your own private meeting room
    • A standing committee meeting room
    • Any other session that you created with no end date that you use frequently
  2. Update any session links that you might have published on a shared web resource. An example of this could be a session link you published for the purpose of student recruitment

After July 28, and before December 31, 2020

  1. You will need to download any needed session recordings from the old Collaborate Ultra instance. Check the guide below.
  2. You will need to download any needed session reports from the old Collaborate Ultra instance. Check the guide below.
  3. You will have to re-publish shared recordings on a video streaming platform and update links to these recordings. This means that if you have a web page that includes a URL to a Bb Collaborate Ultra recording you will have to do the following: 
    • Download the recording's video file
    • Upload the video file to a streaming service like YouTube or Panopto
    • Update the web page with a link to the video hosted on the streaming service (e.g. YouTube or Panopto)

Guide: How to download a session's report or recording from the old Bb Collaborate Ultra instance?

Access old Bb Collaborate Ultra instance


  1. Access: https://ca.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/scheduler
  2. login using your own credentials

Download a session's report

  1. Locate the session you want to download its report
  2. Click on the session's options icon
  3. Click View Reports
  4. A list of reports will open in a new window
  5. Locate the report you want to view using the dates displayed and click View Report and the report will open in a new window
  6. In the new window you can: (a) view the report on screen, (b) view a printable version, or (c) download it as a csv file that can be open in Excel




Download a session's recording

  1. From the main menu on the left click Recordings
  2. Locate the session's recording you want to download
  3. Click on the recording's options icon
  4. Click Download and save the file on your hard drive or another offline storage




  1. If you don't see the Download option in the list, that means that the session's settings doesn't allow recording download. You will need to access the session settings and allow recording download and try again
    • remarks_0.png
  2. If the Save button cannot be clicked, that's most probably because you are trying to edit the settings of a session that has an end date that has already passed. Edit the End Date of the session and choose a date in the future and you can submit the changes