How to download a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recording?

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recordings can be downloaded if the session settings permit downloading of recordings. 

First: Allow "Recording Downloads"

If you have not done so, you will need to check the option "Allow Recording Downloads" in the settings of the session you want to download its recordings.

Select the scenario that applies to you​:

Scenario 1: You recorded the Course Room or sessions with open-ended date you created manually 

Click on the session's options icon and select "Edit Settings"


On the settings box, tick the option "Allow recording download"


Scenario 2: You recorded in manually created Collaborate sessions that has an end date

Session with end date might not show in the default list of sessions since only upcoming sessions will be displayed. If your sessions had an end date that occurred in the past, these sessions will be listed under "All Previous Sessions". To show these sessions, change the filter of the sessions list from "All Upcoming Sessions" to "All Previous Sessions", then repeat the steps above for each individual session.


Second: Download Recordings

Click on the Collaborate Ultra menu


Click on the Recordings option


Locate the session you want to download. Click the option button and choose Download


If you don't see the sessions you wan to download, then this could be due to the fact that the session is more than one month old. 

Change the filter to "Recordings in A Range" and define the range using the date boxes on the left hand side

