Blackboard Content Editor - Spell Check Issues

Blackboard have made improvements to the content editor on Thursday 5 November. The content editor is used across Blackboard when providing information to students, such as when creating an Item or Announcement, when writing Test questions or replying to Discussion Board posts.

As this is a new release, there are some issues with the way Spell Check works within the editor that you should be aware of. 

Please note the issue has been reported to Blackboard for a possible resolution.

1. Your Browser's Spell Check Will not Work Within the Content Editor 

Browser native spell checker no longer has access to the text inside the editor. In order to verify your spelling, you must click on the editor's own spell check icon to check for any mistakes.


2. Text Which Overflows in Smaller Size Text Boxes Will not be Picked up by the Spell Checker

This issue is usually found in the feedback to learners text box. Due to the small size of the text box, if the text is bigger than the text box, the spell checker will not check the entire text. In order to combat this issue, ensure that you perform the spell check action on all aspects of your text.

Please see the video below for an example of this issue.

