Step 1: Using Google Chrome as your browser, go to and login with your AUS credentials
Step 2: Click on 'Videos' in the menu.
Step 3: On the landing page, click on 'Download Panopto' link under your name on the top-right corner (as indicated in red below).
*If you do not see the 'Download Panopto' link, please request the IT Service Desk to provide you with a Panopto account.
Step 4: Click on 'Download Panopto' on the pop-up.
Step 5: Click on 'panoptorecorder.exe' in the Downloads bar at the bottom of your browser (or through Downloads in Chrome) to start the installation process.
If you are using an AUS device, you will be asked to authorize the installation with an admin password.
*At this point, please contact...